
Showing posts from January, 2019

10 Year Challenge | 2009 vs. 2019

Today, the 10 Year Challenge is going to be seen everywhere on the internet. The question is whether it is just a game or something else? First of all, know about this challenge. What is 10 Year Challenge? Other Names : The Glow Up Challenge, The How Hard Did Aging Hit You Challenge, 2009 vs 2019 Challenge. 10 Year Challenge which is also known as 2009 v/s 2019 challenge is a first trending or viral fad on the internet. Viral information is the information that becomes popular through a viral process on the internet like Facebook sharing, WhatsApp sharing etc. The 10 Year Challenge is basically not a challenge. It is very simple: You have to post a combination of two photos of yourself. Post a 2009 image of yourself next to a recent one. So you can show how much you've changed in the last 10 years.  In other simple words, the difference of photos between 2009 and 2019. People are sharing it on the different types of social media platforms with...